Welcome to the new Kelly Kicking Cancer website! We have spent considerable time and effort to make the site more informative, easy to navigate, and even easier to get involved in our fight against brain cancer. We have added a number of new features including an updated research page with information on some of the most advanced brain cancer research available anywhere, a blog page for more informal updates on the happenings of Kelly Kicking Cancer, and links to photos and videos from our events and interviews. Donating to Kelly Kicking Cancer is a simple click away, and rest assured, your information is secure with us. If you have a story concerning brain cancer, feel free to share it with us.
Brain cancer is becoming more prevalent in our world. It recognizes no ethnic bounds, no economic class, no age, no sex, nothing. There is still no definitive reason "why" it occurs. Brain cancer is an equal opportunity killer. Fortunately, some of the finest minds in medicine and research are working on the cure. Join us in our fight against this killer.
After all, it takes a team!