Kelly Kicking Cancer teamed up with The Walk To End Alzheimers for two informal fundraisers at the Chenier Center's Evening Under The Stars concerts in Mandeville. The first concert was in September and featured the band Boogie Men, the second in October featured 4 Unplugged! Hundreds of folks enjoyed each evening under the stars and the good music. While selling raffle tickets for the prizes, I was fortunate enough to meet many people who said they had been touched by our efforts to bring attention to the scourge of brain cancer, had attended our Shamrock Sprint 5ks and galas, and contributed to our cause. A wonderful woman told me she had taught our 2016 $1,000 soccer scholarship recipient Mia Dubroc, and had written a recommendation for her application. Conversations like these that remind me that Kelly Kicking Cancer is doing good work, and people are noticing.
Brain cancer and Alzheimers have much in common. Basic research for both have quite a bit of overlap (see Curing Glioma with Dr. Martin Sharpe.)
I especially want to thank Karla for inviting us to work along side your Walk For Alzheimers displays at these events.